Current Clubs and Societies resident at Stalbridge Hall
The Stalbridge Hall complex is the perfect venue for hosting a wide variety of social clubs and indoor activity groups. We already host many regular clubs and societies on a regular basis. If you would like to join us and host your own group or activity then please contact us using the contact form page.
Please email respective clubs for information.
Bowls Club |
Kevin Bartlett |
01963 362798 |
The Garden Society |
Jackie Newell |
01963 362631 |
Stalbridge Art Group |
Olive Hancock |
01963 362668 |
Tuesday Art Group |
Anne Moore |
01963 362159 |
Baby and Toddler Group |
Tash Young |
07807946617 |
Tae kwon do |
Sam Donohoo |
07388 342625 |
Dancing |
Claire Clayton |
- |
Badminton |
Phil Banfield |
01963 362799 |
Ann Tasker |
07809379256 |
Stalbridge Youth Club |
Abi Murphy |
Friday mornIng Coffee Group |
Elaine Peacock |
07895228576 |
Stalbridge Players |
Colin Butt |
01963 362739 |
Womens Institute |
Jean Convoy |
07525923813 |
Tracy White |
07961 027089 |
Petanque & Croquet Club |
Bob Lovell |
01963 362353 |
Pilates |
Louise King |
07779 712305 |
More information on clubs and societies
Mondays - Women's Institute (First Wednesday of the month)
The Stalbridge Women’s Institute has been meeting in the Village hall since 1943. Monthly meetings are held on the first Wednesday of the Month at 2pm, in the main hall. We are always ready to welcome new members. Contact Jean Convoy 07525923813
Mondays - SCARS (Stalbridge Cancer and Recovery Support)
(last Monday of the month)
Our Regular monthly Drop ins are supportive and consist mainly of discussing relevant, irrelevant (and sometimes, irreverent!) topics and if they wish, telling the group of their experiences of the past few weeks. No-one is required to speak and new attendees may just wish to listen to others and draw from their experiences.
For more information please visit our website
Tuesdays - Tuesday Morning Art Group
A few of us, in and around Stalbridge have an arts group (painting in any medium) who meet in the Youth Club on a Tuesday morning at 10am- 12.30. New members welcome. Apply to Anne Moore 01963 362159
Tuesdays & Thursdays - Taekwondo
Taekwondo is a Korean martial art which focuses on a combination of combat techniques and self-defence. Tuesday 5.30 – 6.30 and Thursday 5.45 -6.45. Junior class from age 5 Thursday 5.00 -5.45. First two lessons free of charge. Fun and friendly atmosphere, new members welcome.
Wednesday - Pilates
Wednesday mornings, 9.30 -10.30am, school term time only.
PILATES increases your strength and mobility AND improves your sense of well-being.
This is a mixed ability class, adaptable to most levels of fitness. We are a friendly, sociable group and welcome new members regardless of experience. The cost is £8 per session for an block of four classes, or £10 for a drop in session. All classes need to be booked in advance.
Call me, Louise, for an honest and friendly chat about how Pilates can help you.
Mobile: 07779712305
Email: [email protected]
PILATES increases your strength and mobility AND improves your sense of well-being.
This is a mixed ability class, adaptable to most levels of fitness. We are a friendly, sociable group and welcome new members regardless of experience. The cost is £8 per session for an block of four classes, or £10 for a drop in session. All classes need to be booked in advance.
Call me, Louise, for an honest and friendly chat about how Pilates can help you.
Mobile: 07779712305
Email: [email protected]
Thursday- The Arts Society Blackmore Vale
The Arts society Blackmore Vale is your local branch of The Arts Society, which is recognised internationally for opening up the diverse world of decorative and fine arts to all. Accredited lecturers cover a wide spectrum of topics. We meet on the first Thursday monthly between October and July at 10.45am. If you would like more info please visit our website: or telephone membership secretary Anthea Payne 0n 01258 830759 or chairman Sheila Williams on 01747 840220 or telephone membership secretary Anthea Payne 0n 01258 830759 or chairman Sheila Williams on 01747 840220
Thursday - Petanque
Stalbridge Petanque and Croquet club play on a Thursday afternoon at 2pm. We are a friendly club that not only plays Petanque, but new Age Kurling, Cards, and Board games when the weather is bad. The club runs all year round. Tea and Coffee are always available. Subscriptions are £10 per year and £3 per session.